Call: 01489 565707
Bowen After Care Advice
It is important to note that after having received treatment, it will contine to work for the next 5 – 7 days.
1. Water – drink at least 1 ½ Litres of WATER a day, especially on the day of treatment.
2. Walking – Try not to sit for long periods by getting up and walking around regularly.
3. Weekly – Treatments should be on a weekly basis, no less than 5 days and no more than 10 days between treatments.
- For the first 48 hours after treatment you should avoid extremes of temperature – Hot/Cold – Sauna’s, baths.
- No impact sports – re-injury could occur.
- Don’t exert yourself.
If re-injury occurs, treatment can be done sooner
Please call if you have any questions!

Other ‘hands-on’ Therapies
It is recommended that in order to obtain the full benefit from your treatment, other ‘hands-on’ therapies are not applied less than 7 days before or after Bowen as these may interfere with the healing process.
The following are some contra-actions that you may become aware of in the first 24 hours after treatments.
A contra-action is a “response” to the treatment which is positive. Some typical responses could include:
- Thirst – Drink more water.
- Tiredness – Drink more water
- Hot/cold Flushes – The Lymphatic processes are working
- Body Aches and Pains – can be due to areas being switched on that have not been used for a while.
- Mood Changes – Chemical Changes.
- Light headedness/Headaches – Drink more water
- Increased mucous production - Runny nose, tickly cough etc.
- Change in energy levels – It is advised to relax and only participate in gentle exercise